Civic Data Solidarity
Civic Data Solidarity
Civic Data Solidarity Resources
Civic Data
“Beyond Markets and States: Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems” by Elinor Ostrom
“Civic Data Initiatives” by Burak Arikan
“Hidden Figures: How Silicon Valley Keeps Diversity Data Secret” by Will Evans and Sinduja Rangarajan
“Networks, Swarms, Multitudes. Part II” by Eugene Thacker
“The Vectoralist Class, Part II” by McKenzie Wark
Diversity in Silicon Valley
“Here’s the Clearest Picture of Silicon Valley’s Diversity Yet: It’s Bad. But Some Companies Are Doing Less Bad” by Sinduja Rangarajan
“Towards an Environmental Data Justice Statement: Initial Thoughts” by Dawn Walker
“Silicon Valley Diversity Data: Who Released Theirs, Who Didn’t.” by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting
Treasure Island Cleanup and Redevelopment
“Governance for Public Blockchains and DAOs” by Martin Köppelmann
“Infrastructural Tourism” by Shannon Mattern
Other Resources
Graph Commons, collaborative platform for making, analyzing and publishing network maps.
LittleSis, database of who-knows-who at the heights of business and government.
Schema, collaborative platform for creating, maintaining, and promoting schemas for structured data on the Internet, web pages, email messages, and beyond.